Eatwell Farm

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Summer Risotto

Eatwell Farmhouse Kitchen Serves 4

Last week was a week of visits from old friends.  My friend Meike and her family came to visit Thursday, and we made an incredibly delicious Risotto using whatever was in the fridge.  

1 cup Arborio Rice

2 TB Olive Oil

2 TB Butter

1 qt Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock

2  cloves Garlic, minced

3 Shallots, finely chopped

1 1/2 cups diced Summer Squash

1/2 lb Italian Sausage

2 Tomatoes, chopped

2 Lunch Box Peppers, seeded and chopped

4 Basil leaves, finely chopped

Salt and Pepper to taste

Splash of White Wine


Parmesan Cheese

In a frying pan cook the sausage about half way, then add the summer squash, peppers, onions and garlic and cook long enough for the onions to soften. In a heavy bottomed pot heat the olive oil and butter over medium temp, add the arborio rice.  Stirring often cook until the rice turns golden and the aromas are a bit nutty.  While the rice is toasting heat the chicken stock.  Once the rice is lightly toasted add a ladle’s worth of stock, stir well and allow enough time for the rice to absorb most of the liquid.  Add another ladle-full of stock and continue on until most of the stock has been used.  Put the sausage, peppers, squash etc into the rice and mix well.  Add the rest of the stock along with a good splash of white wine, some salt and pepper.  Taste for seasoning and doneness of the rice.  Risotto should have a bite to it, you don’t want it to be mushy.  Add the chopped tomatoes (including all the juice).  Stir well, check for doneness of the rice, cook a bit longer, then add a splash of cream and parmesan cheese.  The risotto at this point should be fairly creamy and probably pretty close to done.  Just before finishing up and serving add the chopped basil.  Serve with parmesan cheese sprinkled on the top.