We have the first Pomelos from our trees. These have been a great crop for us. They seem to really like our soil and the additions of coffee grounds and chicken tractors passing by for fertility. Jose was concerned about the up coming storms blowing the fruit from the trees, so we decided to pick after tasting them. You will notice they have marks on them and they do not look so pristine. Well, this is how all pomelos look after you pick them. Even organic ones go through a special brushing machine toclean and shine them. In the store, it is all about looks. I have always said the box you open each week should look and taste just like it came straight from your grandparents’ garden. Real food, honestly grown, with care.

The other great item, the red cabbage, is a hearty winter fare. Please take a look at the other side of this newsletter for Lorraine’s cooking tips and recipe ideas to help with any crop that you are not familiar preparing or eating.

On the farm, we have not started pruning yet, because it has been too wet. When you stand around the trees, carefully contemplating the right cuts, you do not want to be compacting the wet soil. We have a great deal of work to do before the planting season begins again. I have spent a great many hours in the office. This is the time of the year to renew certificates, permits, and all that fun stuff. Last week I was knee deep applying for a grant to improve our irrigation system. The goal is to replace a diesel pump with a solar electric one and irrigate at night. We would save 3,000 gallons of fuel a year and about 35% on water. We will know in March if we are successful with our application.
