Found on the White on Rice blog 

serves 2

I thought I would look for something other than raw radishes with salt on buttered bread or in a salad.  I made this tonight and it was quite tasty, except for that darned multi-tasking thing. I forgot to set the timer and over "crisped" the greens a little, but it was clear they would be very delicious ( I liked them even over crisped!).

1 Bunch of Radishes with tops

2 TB Olive Oil

2 tsp Balsamic Vinegar

1/2 tsp Sea Salt or Kosher

Black Pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Wash radishes, remove roots and remove stems.  Blot dry with paper towel.  If radishes are big, cut them in half.  In large bowl, combine olive oil, vinegar and salt.  Whisk together.  Toss in radishes and greens until everything is coated evenly with oil.  Spread out radishes and greens on roasting pan or baking dish.  Bake in oven for about 10 minutes or until the greens are crispy.  Remove the greens and continue roasting the radishes about another 5 minutes.
