Eatwell Farm

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Surprise Tokyo Turnip Side Dish

By Paige Boger


When I was doing the on the spot cooking classes this was one that so many members really enjoyed.  I call it the Surprise by these MOST delicious turnips that I LOVE! 

1-2 T Olive Oil

2 T Butter

1 bunch Tokyo Turnips, washed, root removed, ¼’d or ⅛’d (bitesize) skin-on

1 leek, white (Reserve green tops for above Stock!)

½ fennel Bulb, thinly sliced - some minced fennel fronds reserved as garnish

1 bunch Arugula, washed and rough chopped

1 bunch of Turnip Tops, washed and chopped same size as arugula

1 persimmon, seeds removed and set aside as garnish

½  Meyer Lemon, zestedJuice Reserved

In a medium heat pan heat olive oil. Add sliced leaks, sliced fennel - sauté until golden brown and slightly caramelized. Add a pinch of Eatwell Farm Rosemary Salt and a pinch of fresh ground black pepper. Remove from pan and set aside.

Place Arugula & Turnip Tops in a mixing bowl, toss with 2 t olive oil and lemon juice. Pinch of salt. 

Return pan to heat and under high to medium-high heat add 2 T butter, allow butter to get HOT and lightly brown.  Keep heat HIGH, toss turnips into pan quickly moving it around and allowing the turnips to get some brown bits, cook quickly and on HIGH heat for no more than 2 minutes.  The turnips will still have some crunch in them! Add Meyer Lemon zest, fennel & leeks back into hot pan and remove from heat.  Toss Turnips, Fennel, Leeks with dressed Arugula & Turnip Tops (you could also add some kale/spinach in this mix of greens) - serve immediately with Persimmons kernels over the top as garnish.