Recipe by Molly Watson from The Spruce Eats website

Sometimes the perfect recipe pops up in a search, and such is the case with this one.  I was actually looking for some information and ideas for green garlic and this recipe was listed, how perfect.  And after my trip to Italy, anything with Prosciutto sounds good to me.


1 bunch Collard Greens, or Kale, or Swiss chard

3 Green Garlic Stalks

1 to 2 TB Olive Oil

1/8 tsp Sea Salt, plus more to taste

2 slices Prosciutto

Lemon Juice, to taste

Dash of freshly ground Black Pepper


Cut out the thick stems from the greens (I usually use my stems, by cutting them very small and cooking them a bit before I put the leaves in the pan). Rinse the leaves clean of any dirt or grit. Shake off any excess water.  Lay the leaves in a stack and cut them into thin ribbons, or you can simply rough chop.  Set aside. Trim the green garlic, discarding any yellowed or browned parts, and finely chop them.  Finely chop the prosciutto as well. Heat a large frying pan, with a fitting lid, over medium-high heat.  Add the oil. Swirl the pan so the oil coats the bottom of the pan.  When the oil is hot, add the green garlic and salt.  Cook, stirring, until the green garlic is wilted, about 1 minute. Add the prosciutto, if using, and cook, stirring, until it loses it bright pink tone, about 1 minute.  Add the prosciutto, if using, and cook, stirring, until it loses its bright pink tone, about 1 minute. Add the greens, they should still have a bit of water clinging to them, which a good thing, and stir to combine them with the green garlic and prosciutto.  There should be a bit of water on the bottom of the pan, if there isn’t, add a tablespoon or so.  Cover, reduce heat to medium low and cook until the green are well wilted, about 3 minutes. Stir again, cover, and cook until the greens are tender. Depending on the greens used, this will take anywhere from 3 minutes for chard, and up to 8 minutes for the heartier collard greens.  Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste, as you like Serve hot or warm.  Fee free to use a slice of bacon instead of prosciutto; you’ll just need to cook it before anything else. Depending on how much fat it renders, you can use the bacon fat instead of the cooking oil for greens with tons of flavor!
